Tenant Information – Cheryl Gardens
If you are a leaseholder at Cheryl Gardens and require assistance, please contact our on-site property manager at (613) 878-0636.
Tenant Information – Russell Smyth Heights
If you are a leaseholder at Russell Smyth Heights and require assistance, please contact our on-site property manager at (613) 796-1177.
Tenant Information – Carp and Cardevco West End Self Storage
If you rent a unit at our storage facility and require assistance, please contact the storage office directly during business hours at (613) 831-0054 or by email at info@carpcardevcoselfstorage.com.
All Other Inquiries
For questions about our properties, please contact Aera Investments at (613) 878-0062 (phone), (613) 435-2090 (fax), using email at info@aerainvestments.com, or via the form below.